I'm sitting here, waiting for a down-time window so that I can get on with a server migration. For various reasons, I am using my old Windows XP laptop today (it's a rare occurrence these days) and I decided to patch it.
Man, Windows is crap. Since moving to
OS X full-time, and playing with Linux and
Beryl part-time, it really does bug me these days; XP is ugly and messy and tired and generally rubbish.
What really annoyed me today though was "Microsoft Update". I kicked it off, and got the good old "checking for updates" bar in IE7. I then got bored waiting, so I updated Firefox, iTunes, Quicktime and my AntiVirus. IE is still "checking for updates".......
Winblows is the only O/S that is this crap at patching, and it's also the one that needs to be best at it.
Man, I can't wait to get back to a decent O/S; I'll be rebooting to
Ubuntu as soon as XP is done with the patches.