Jimbo beat me to the blog, but Apple's holding another special event next week.
I just can't be bothered to speculate really (iPod video, iTunes video store, Think Secret reckon it's PowerBooks and PowerMacs), but I hope it's something cool as Apple are slowly losing points in my little black book of tech kudos - OS X Tiger is still not as rock-solid as Panther was for me, plus the Intel switcheroo is still an unresolved cloud of mixed possibilities and my generation 3 iPod does not remember where I am in a podcast (although my shuffle does) . I'd also like to know why I still can't play from iTunes to multiple Airport Express devices simultaneously, and don't even get me started on the sync services in Tiger. A new (easily scratched) trinket in the product line and an upgrade on my paid .Mac subscription to half the data storage capacity that Gmail give me for free just haven't got me that fired up, no matter how pretty they dress it.
In fact, I'm beginning to get seriously worried that Apple are investing too much time in the new cash cow that is the iPod and not enough time in the bit that really matters to me, which is OS X.
Also, I guess I'm still grumpy because google and Sun didn't announce anything revolutionary yesterday when I really thought they were going to change the way things are in the world of tech. Maybe they still will (in fact I'm pretty sure Google will), but it still sucks when the hype turns out to be just a big bag of air.
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